Thursday 14 November 2013


To create this design I took inspiration from the Keep calm and carry on deign’ keeping the poster simple and minimalistic.
With one image/logo and text.
The style of the typography Is influenced by Neville Brody text varies horizontally and vertically also typography within other words. The title, genre and date and location of the production is the only text on this piece I didn’t want to put irrelevant text on.
            I started with a bold, deep red background, which symbolises excitement, energy but also aggression and violence I carried on with the design with the red background adding the text with the image but didn’t feel like it was the right colour for my design I decided to use yellow which was more appropriate as it signifies joy, happiness, sunshine, summer and imagination. Not only this, the design benefited from the change of colour it conveys the theme comedy more with it being an uplifting colour.
            The image is the person who I am using as my performer. I took the picture while we were in the Northern Quarters. The model is pulling a face where his teeth stick out looking goofy linking to the humorous genre of comedy. I feel that the piece is successful I have put though in to each decision I have made trying to represent comedy I find this hard to convey humour and emotion through graphics. I made finaly changes to the filter of the image and the colour of both image and text. This the deign stronger because the image was clearer and the bold black text wasn’t the most eye catching part of the design.

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